Before setting up, make sure you have bound your Bitget account with your Bidbox account.
- Open the Bidbox application and log in using the account that you have linked to Bitget. In the initial screen, please select the Trade Settings menu (as shown in the picture)

2. In the Trade Settings menu, make sure that the balance in your Bitget account has been detected (as shown in the picture) then please follow the instructions below:

A. Click the dropdown menu and select Spot Automatic
B. Select one of the the exchanger you use (Bitget)
C. Type in the Buy Amount you want (Adjust to your money management)
D. Click the dropdown menu and Select one of the the exchanger you use (Bitget)
E. Specify and type the total order (Coins) you want
3. Slide the button (as shown in the picture) to activate automatic take profit or type in your desired take profit and select Time Frame (as shown in the picture) then click Save and Start